We take making recreation seriously, and we do it with stolid, unsmiling faces, like waxy baked potatoes come to life.
You may notice a theme of Animalia here at GH Industries. Like a wealthy robber-barren industrialist, we too find joy in hunting big and rare game. Like the illusive smoking raccoon. But, you know — without all the killing and extincting.
Also, animals are the coolest. Did you know platypus sweat antibacterial milk that their babies, called cubs or sometimes puggles, lick off them? True facts.
Yeah, things are weird here and there isn’t a whole lot of logic swirling about. If you like, you like. If not, that’s okay: Go on now, bear. Git.
The thing about GH Industries is we’re into the manufacture of joy, for those who already have a desire for some. i.e., if you’re a grump-a-potamus, that’s okay as long as your heart is pure and you are open to merriment.
But please, if you lack a sense of humor and can find no wonder in this world in which you walk around sour-pussed and scrunched, we kindly invite you to go on now, bear. Git.